
February 2025 marks both the 5-year anniversary of the launch of Solar Orbiter and the start of a new phase of the mission – following a Venus gravitational maneuver the spacecraft orbital plane will be tilted out of the ecliptic and we will begin to both view the poles of the Sun and sample solar wind at higher solar latitudes.  It is thus a good time to both review the science that has been done and continues to develop using observations from the  near-ecliptic inner heliosphere, and to look forward to the new science opportunities arising in this next mission phase. 

Furthermore, over the last 5 years, there have been weekly online meetings of the in situ science groups, with each week devoted to discussions under a distinct topic that can be addressed with data from Solar Orbiter’s in situ instrument payload and related and complementary data sets.  Several times a year there have been meetings of the Solar Orbiter in situ technical working groups and individual meetings of the in situ instrument teams.  

An opportunity arises to combine the activities of these various interest groups in a face-to-face workshop of members of all these groups and colleagues interested in science involving or related to data from the EPD, MAG, RPW and SWA teams, whether they are formally members of the instrument teams, working groups, or not.  We therefore invite all interested parties to join us in Lyon in May 2025 to discuss all things related to in situ observations from Solar Orbiter and/or related missions and facilities. 

The format of the week can be found here.

All welcome in Lyon!

View of Lyon old town



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